Filming day 2(production blog)

Hey Blog!! For filming day two we met up at Kylie’s house late at night. The time was around 8:00. We were filming the second scene and got to talking again about what shots were shooting, and how the acting is going to be. After that us three did get a little side tracked and started riding on bikes. We called it creative time to lets us think and get into the mood. Also to get the giggles out. The obstacles I think were for this day was Kylie’s kylies dogs. They kept barking really loud and would run up anytime we would close or open the door. Also there were Halloween decorations up so we had to move some things around to match our set. We filmed on her front porch and in her dads car.Non of us have a license so the car was definitely parked. Again like day one I don’t believe we have the shots we need, and I take part fault because I should have spoke up sense it’s a partnership in this project. I mean it is what it is and footage we have is usable. 


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