Research Blog
The Photos I picked out for my blog would be surrounded about how I felt in the moment. I want to be able to show true feeling and emotion of who I am but not on a surface level. I want to express how I let my environment and people I let in my life effect my world. Being yourself is a combination of everyone that reflects you in different angles. Some of them are bad and some of them are good. I picked the song "Nobody Gets Me" by SZA. Its a song I connect with on a deeper level because I feel as though it reflects everyone close relation I have. I may act different with different friends or family, but nobody gets me the way that they do when I show them who I am. The videos used for this project will show the bright sides of me and the dopamine I exclaim from being around the people I love and how they let me express the real me. Though I would also include some cloudy videos of me to show how not everything is perfect. Everything is human. Bad days are human, bad weeks, and months are human. We all have them, but it's how we deal with them is what shows us what our true morals are. It took me a minuet to figure this out. Reasoning because when someone ask me "who are you" or "What is something that describes you?" I freeze for a second in thought. I like to believe is because Im so humble, but really it's because it's a trick question. When I'm asked that now I take it as "Whats the reason why you are you?" or "How did you become you?". I hope this first project will give a decent impression of me. Through my creativity and what I like to call visual poetry.Thank you.
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