
Showing posts from November, 2023


CCR 1)We did stick to what genre we decided. Not only was it very simple to achieve, a lot of the examples we looked at, or took inspiration from was music we already listened to on a daily basis. For example the music video “We Cry Together” was a song and video I have previously enjoyed prior to the project because not only was it relatable, it was artistic in the visuals. Reasoning because you felt the emotion and povs through the camera shots and could relate through the lyrics and acting.All of the videos my partner and i have looked at had relation between loving someone, whether it was toxic or health, each video expressed different types of love to their significant other. Kylie and I really wanted to demonstrate that in our project. 2)The way our video engages with the audience, it can have a relatable effect. Two people pushing and pulling between each other all from a common emotion that every human being feels. Love. Now i wouldn't say that our video would be picked abo...

Dark Red(Steve lacy)music video

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Editing part 2

 Yep. Both my blogs were late. But I can say Atleast I’m getting them done. LoL!!but this part is about editing again. What I can say is that o did procrastinate a lot for this project and that is my fault. Editing and filming is a tedious process and I should have taken account to that. During this process I did tweak the coloring, lighting, and sound. I also used Jump cuts. And even cut out full scenes I felt were unimportant. I don’t believe our project came out exactly like our storyboard. Also I believe I didn’t do well to the best of my ability, but there is always room for Improvement on self and skill


 Hey blog. So for today I’m gonna talk about editing and the issues I had with it. It was a struggle to get them uploaded and actually find the time to sit down and edit it. Even with my busy schedule and having to work on my dads work laptop, it was pretty challenging. Although I did have much fun using adobe it’s definitely a time consuming project. I used and played around with the settings like changing it to slow motion. Or speeding up and cutting sound. Definitely learned a lot CANT sit to tune in next time blog!!