Genre Research| Romance


In Romance films close up shots are often used to convey either the emotion, or contrast of emotion to facial expression. Tracking or panning shots are also commonly used in Romance films to follow a character or two.


A style of editing seen in a lot of Romance movies is a Montage style editing choi. used to show what characters are doing in in a various time span to show growth or emphasize the connection between those characters. Another common style of editing are jump cuts.


Most sound for modern day romance movies would be current love songs by pop artist, Mostly lyrical. But older movies would be mostly orchestrated, or just instrumental.


Some examples of movies in this genre are:

  • Titanic (1997)

  • Anyone But You (2023)

  • The Note Book (2004)


My favorite elements of Romance movies are the messages we receive after watching one. You know that giddy feeling you get. Through the sound of music and emotional dialogue it really makes you connect to the storyline and it has you longing for search for love like they show.


Even though i have a strong love for Romance Movies, i would say my only dislike about SOME of them would be the acting. Most movies you can really feel the chemistry, but others it kind of feeling like you're watching two people ACT in love.


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